Taming the Coulda’, Shoulda’, Woulda’ Dragon

Do you feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster this time of year?  On the one hand there is excitement, beautiful decorations, fun gatherings with friends.  On the other, there are the expectations, gatherings with family you rarely see outside the holidays, financial stress to buy gifts, too much food and drink, and not enough sleep. Put on top of that the inner conflict of wanting some time for yourself and the pressure to ‘get it all done’ on time.

I can so relate to the conflict inner and outer that happens this time of year.  This year I didn’t put up a Christmas tree because we are going to be at our cabin for the five days over Christmas.  The ‘shoulda’ demon was quick to show up.  Thank goodness I was ready for ‘her.’  (I have a friend who calls her the bitch in the attic.)  I invite you to follow the steps below to minimize the ‘shoulds’ this holiday and create some memories of inner peace, joy and self love.

  1. First breathe and ask yourself what kind of holiday do you want to have?
  2. What ‘shoulds’ are getting in the way of you having that?  Are you trying to do things perfectly, trying to do too many things?  Are you working to meet other people’s expectations?
  3. Which one can you let go of?  Just one right now.
  4. What will you do to nurture yourself instead of that should?  What friend will support you in this?
  5. Just do it!

If you are stuck as to what’s really important to you there is a FREE journal My Discovery of the Real Meon my website www.lifetransformationsnow.com.  I invite you to download it and start discovering your Authentic Self.

Shhh it’s not available until Friday but I’m giving you advanced notice that my second book release this year, Bold is Beautiful compiled by Kim Boudreau Smith will be available on Amazon at 10 AM Friday, Dec. 20.  It would make a great Christmas gift.

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